December 18, 2020

Herbs, Seasonings and Flavorings

What is Garlic? Garlic is a small vegetable, belonging to the allium family of vegetables along with onions, leeks, and shallots. It is a popular vegetable and flavoring all over the world and is a common flavoring in European, Asian, and Latin American cuisine. Garlic grows underground, as a bulb, with long green shoots that

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December 16, 2020


What is Sour Cream? Sour cream is a dairy product made when cream is mixed with special bacteria; the outcome results in a white, thick condiment. It is popular in many places around the world, particularly in Europe and North America. Its consistency is very smooth and thick, similar to Greek-Style yogurt. This product comes

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December 9, 2020


What is Mexican Cream? Mexican cream, also known as Crema Mexicana or Mexican Crema, is a dairy product that is popular in Mexico. It comes in two varieties, Mexican Table Cream, and Mexican Sour Cream. Both of these are a milky white color. These products are similar to standard American sour cream with variations in

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November 16, 2020

Kitchen How to

Introduction With cold and flu season approaching in the U.S., keeping your family healthy becomes even more critical. With the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, immunity has become a popular topic of discussion. What is immunity?  Simply put, immunity is our body’s ability to fight off diseases. Different factors can affect the immune system, but one way

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September 28, 2020

Kitchen How to

Adults and kids alike can get excited and eager to get cooking in the kitchen, but it is important that both parents and children practice safe food handling and kitchen habits in order to have fun cooking and stay safe doing it. Read our top 8 kitchen safety tips for happy and healthy cooking.  1.

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