June 12, 2020

Kitchen How to

What Kinds of Materials Can You Put in a Compost Bin? There are a variety of materials you can place in a compost bin.  In general, most plant-based materials can go in a compost bin.  These materials are broken up into two groups: green materials and brown materials.  Different Types of Materials You Can Put

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June 12, 2020

Kitchen Tools

What are Baking Dishes? A baking dish is a deep, oven-safe pan, usually about one to two inches tall, used to bake foods.  A baking dish is sometimes called a casserole dish.  They are usually made of glass, ceramic, aluminum foil, silicone, or metal.  A baking dish can be square, rectangular, or even circular, and

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June 12, 2020

Herbs, Kitchen How to

What is the Difference Between Fresh Herbs and Dry Herbs? Fresh herbs and dry herbs are the same herbs in different forms.  Fresh herbs are often picked straight off the stem, bright green, soft, and fragrant.  Dry herbs go through some form of drying process, are usually packaged in a jar or packet, are a

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June 12, 2020


What is a Lychee? A lychee, also called an alligator strawberry, is a tree-grown fruit originating from southeastern China.  It has an exterior that is like a cross between a raspberry and a strawberry.  The bumpy skin is pinkish-red and it covers the large white fruit inside.  The fruit is firm and juicy.  There is

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June 12, 2020


What is Oregano? Oregano is an herb originating from the Mediterranean.  It is sometimes called wild marjoram and is related to mint.  Oregano is grown on a flowering plant and what we eat is the leaves of the plant.  It comes either fresh or dried.  Fresh oregano has soft, bright green leaves while dried oregano

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