June 12, 2020


What are Cloves? Cloves are a tree-grown spice originating from Indonesia but are now grown around the world.  They come from the flower buds of the clove tree.  Fresh cloves are dark reddish-brown, bulb-shaped, with a long tube at one end of the bulb.  After they are picked from the flowers, cloves are dried.  They

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June 12, 2020


What is an Artichoke? An artichoke, commonly called the French artichoke, is a vegetable that comes from a thistle plant.  The artichoke itself is a thistle flower bud that is picked before it blooms.  Artichokes are green, with petals curled up to form a ball shape, and may come in medium or large sizes.  Some

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June 12, 2020

Legumes and Grains

What are Beans? Beans are legumes that grow from plants.  Beans are different depending on their variety, but they usually have an outer skin and a creamy, smooth texture inside.  Beans are classified into different categories to distinguish between the varieties.  One of the main categories is the common bean.  Several beans fall under the

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June 12, 2020


What Are Kumquats? A kumquat is a tree-grown fruit native to southeast Asia.  It is a bright orange-colored fruit, similar in size and shape to cherry tomatoes or grapes.  They look like an orange, only smaller and oblong.  Kumquats have smooth and shiny skins on the outside and softer, juicy flesh on the inside.  They

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June 12, 2020


What is Avocado? Avocados are oval or somewhat pear-shaped fruits originating from Mexico.  They usually have a dark green or black peel, a light green inside, and one large brown seed in the center of the fruit.  The skin feels slightly leathery, but the inside is soft and creamy.  They are ripe when they give

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