June 12, 2020


What is Smoked Paprika? Smoked paprika is a spice with roots in Spain.  It is also called Spanish paprika or pimenton.  It is a powdered spice, ground from a specific type of Spanish pepper that has been smoked over oak wood.  Smoked paprika is usually a darker orange color, somewhat burnt orange.  The three varieties

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June 12, 2020


What is Passion Fruit? Passion fruit is a vine-grown fruit originating from South America.  The fruit is round with a tough purple skin, though sometimes the skin is yellow.  The inside contains a thick white pith between the skin and the pulp.  The pulp is yellow, thick, and juicy, with many dark colored-seeds.  The skin

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June 12, 2020


What is Papaya? A papaya, also called a pawpaw, is a tree-grown fruit grown in tropical regions around the world.  They are somewhat pear-shaped, medium-sized fruits.  Their skin is often green, yellow, or bright orange, which can indicate ripeness.  The inside of the fruit is orange and the middle is filled with large round seeds

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June 12, 2020

Seasonings and Flavorings

What is Beef Bouillon? Beef bouillon is a flavoring made of beef stock or beef-flavored stock, vegetables, herbs, and spices.  Beef bouillon is tightly compressed beef stock and is used to replicate beef stock.  This flavoring dissolves into liquids and typically requires 1 cup of liquid or water to make beef broth. What are the

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June 12, 2020

Seasonings and Flavorings

What is Vegetable Bouillon? Vegetable bouillon is a type of flavoring made of vegetables, herbs, and spices.  It is a concentrated, compacted version of broth or stock.  It is typically a green or brown color due to the vegetables and spices.  It often comes in cubes or small bricks, paste, or liquid.  The cubes may

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